Information about pagination in a connection.
link Require by
- AccountingCompaniesConnectionA connection to a list of `AccountingCompany` values.
- BankAccountsConnectionA connection to a list of `BankAccount` values.
- BanksConnectionA connection to a list of `Bank` values.
- BankTransactionsConnectionA connection to a list of `BankTransaction` values.
- ClientCompaniesConnectionA connection to a list of `ClientCompany` values.
- CompaniesConnectionA connection to a list of `Company` values.
- CompanyCostCentersConnectionA connection to a list of `CompanyCostCenter` values.
- CompanyTagsConnectionA connection to a list of `CompanyTag` values.
- CurrencyRatesConnectionA connection to a list of `CurrencyRate` values.
- DeliveryNoteItemsConnectionA connection to a list of `DeliveryNoteItem` values.
- DeliveryNotesConnectionA connection to a list of `DeliveryNote` values.
- DocumentBankTransactionsConnectionA connection to a list of `DocumentBankTransaction` values.
- DocumentCategoriesConnectionA connection to a list of `DocumentCategory` values.
- DocumentsConnectionA connection to a list of `Document` values.
- DocumentTagsConnectionA connection to a list of `DocumentTag` values.
- DocumentVersionFilesConnectionA connection to a list of `DocumentVersionFile` values.
- DocumentVersionsConnectionA connection to a list of `DocumentVersion` values.
- DocumentWorkflowsConnectionA connection to a list of `DocumentWorkflow` values.
- DocumentWorkflowStepsConnectionA connection to a list of `DocumentWorkflowStep` values.
- GeneralLedgerAccountsConnectionA connection to a list of `GeneralLedgerAccount` values.
- InvoiceCostCentersConnectionA connection to a list of `InvoiceCostCenter` values.
- InvoiceItemsConnectionA connection to a list of `InvoiceItem` values.
- InvoicesConnectionA connection to a list of `Invoice` values.
- UsersConnectionA connection to a list of `User` values.